Both our double and triple glazed windows come with an era locking system; This locking system is a six point high security (non-bump) system.

This lock basically combats all points of entry that could be targeted in an attempted break in. Using two shoot bolts, two rollers and two sliders, bumping up and down or prizing away from the frame is virtually impossible. All hinges, espags and gearing are made from steel and supplied by ERA Home Security.

Bespoke Double & Triple Glazing

Each double glazed Window is manufactured specifically to fit the masonry opening in your home, a technical survey will determine the style opening and fixing style to suit your home.

All our windows are made according to the A Rated specification. This consists of a 5-chamber, fully virgin plastic profile with a thermal break. We meet the criteria by using the Swish 24/7 profile and strengthening it with 3-chamber RCM re-enforce. This improves life span and rigidity. It also massively cuts down on the amount of heat lost. We use market-leading Platinum Total Plus glass.

Our double glazed units are made up of a 4mm of soft coat glass, a 20mm thermally efficient spacer and another 4mm of glass on the other side, argon-filled K glass (with an average ‘u’ value of 1.6), and toughened where necessary. Triple glazed units are made up of 4mm of glass in the centre (always toughened) and another 4mm of glass on the inside, argon-filled K glass (with an average ‘u’ value of 0.8) and toughened where necessary.

We have a great range of
colours as well as the latest
state of the art technology
when it comes to security.







The airtight construction of double-glazed windows creates thermal insulation. This reduces the flow of incoming and outgoing heat. Less energy is used to heat up or cool down the space, resulting in lower energy bills. Adding a third layer of glass increases the insulation value of your window. Each layer of glass traps a significant amount of heat that passes through, increasing the window’s protection against heat loss.


Moisture on a warm surface forms droplets of water, which freeze into frost. This can make the room feel colder, which forces the people inside to adjust the heat. The air between the panes of glass, plus the airtight seal, prevents condensation from building up by blocking moisture in cold weather.


Double/triple-glazed windows improve sound insulation by creating a barrier between the home and the environment outside.


Double/triple-glazed windows are tougher to break than single pane windows, so they increase the security of a home. Because they’re sealed tighter than other windows, it is also tougher to force them open from the outside.


Double/triple-glazed windows can reduce the amount of sun and heat entering the room. This can help reduce sun damage to your paintings, furniture, carpet, and other objects around the home.

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