An iconic bathroom should be a place for both relaxation and invigoration.

Iconic Bathroom

We provide a tailored service to give you the room you desire. Whether it is a traditional style bathroom, a luxurious wet room, a tranquil home spa or a multi-functional space which includes a dressing room area – Iconic Improvements have got you covered.

Bringing together some of the best and most exciting products around, we want to inspire you with a diverse range from some of the world’s leading design houses. We are able to offer cutting-edge contemporary design.

A wet room is a hassle-free,
self-cleaning showering
solution that brings a
touch of modernity to
your wash room design.

Electric Showers

In a home, water pressure is essential to ensuring you can have a warm, powerful shower. If you have low water pressure or a boiler which is tank fed, then the best alternative solution is an electric shower. From 8.5kw -9.5kw showers, we can tailor the right pressure to suit you.

The way electric showers work is similar to how a kettle works: they heat water when you press a button! How? Thanks to the heating element electric showers carry inside them. This ensures hot water is available at any time of the day. Another huge benefit is the amount of water and time you can save. You don’t need to wait long until the water is heated and your electric shower will only heat the amount of water you use so it will save both time and water at the same time.

Furthermore, have you ever experienced a change in the water temperature while showering? That’s because someone else in the house has used water at the same time (by opening a tap or flushing the toilet). Electric showers ensure you never run out of hot water when showering, not even when someone else is using water at the same time as you.

As mentioned, an electric shower only heats the water it uses, which is great news for your energy bills as water not needed is neither consumed nor wasted. Electric power showers are an efficient way to save money in the long term and are also environmentally friendly appliances.







A thermostatic mixer valve is an essential part of a well-designed shower. Safe, convenient and economical, it ensures maximum showering enjoyment while protecting you and your family from the risk of scalding.



A thermostatic mixer maintains an exact water temperature for the duration of your shower. It protects you from any sudden changes in the water supply to the shower, so even if somebody flushes the toilet or turns on the kitchen tap the temperature of your shower will remain the same.



The thermostatic valve mixes the hot and cold water to your pre-selected temperature and reacts instantly to any changes in the pressure or temperature of the water supply by re-adjusting the mix of hot and cold water. Should there be a failure in your cold water supply, the thermostatic valve will automatically shut down.



Safety – Your pre-selected water temperature remains constant for the duration of your shower, so there’s no risk of scalding from a sudden temperature increase and no surprising shocks should the temperature plummet. GROHE CoolTouch® technology ensures the outer surface is never too hot to touch.

Convenience – Our thermostatic mixers will maintain your pre-selected water temperature, leaving you to relax and enjoy your shower. Should you wish to stop the water (e.g. to shampoo your hair), the thermostat will automatically find the exact same temperature when you re-start the flow.

Money-Saving – Install a thermostatic mixer and you can save water and energy too. Thanks to their efficiency, a thermostatic shower mixer will pay for itself over a short period of time.

Advantages Of Wet Rooms

  • A wet room is super-stylish and creates a contemporary atmosphere
  • If you have a second bathroom, a wet room can increase the value of your property
  • If you have a small bathroom, they can save a huge amount of space
  • Generally, wet rooms are easier to clean
  • If it’s done properly, then your floor will be better protected than a normal bathroom floor

Wet rooms increase safety, especially for elderly or disabled people, as they reduce the risk of slipping whilst stepping in and out of the shower. A wet room also completely changes the feel and ambience of a bathroom to give it a much more contemporary feel, transforming it into the main feature of a house. A wet room can make a bathroom look like an amazing open-plan room.

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